
Our mandate is flexible and rooted in the partnership with sellers
We can commit to timely deal completion in complex situations
Transparency and partnership constitute core of our approach

Tomasz Woźniak
Managing Partner

Tomasz has many years of investing experience gained in private equity funds in Warsaw and London. At TEP, Tomasz is responsible for managing the investment processes and works very closely with teams of portfolio companies.

Eckhardt Thomas
Head of the Investment Committee

Eckhardt is an experienced entrepreneur who is a driving force behind the success of Thomas Gruppe, a European manufacturer of building materials. At TEP, Eckhardt is responsible for the final evaluation of investment projects and shares his knowledge and experience with portfolio companies.

Tomasz Woźniak and Eckhardt Thomas are the founders of TEP Capital. The team also includes specialists with many years of investment experience, experience gained in consulting firms and investment banks.