About Us

Our mandate is flexible and rooted in the partnership with sellers
We can commit to timely deal completion in complex situations
Transparency and partnership constitute core of our approach

TEP Capital - who are we?

  1. TEP Capital is a private equity fund established at the beginning of 2020 by Tomasz Woźniak and Eckhardt Thomas.
  2. We focus on acquisitions of controlling stakes in enterprises that lead their industries and have operating profit before depreciation and tax (EBITDA) of between 5 and 50 million zlotys.
  3. We typically seek to deploy equity ticket of 10 to 100 million zlotys per investment.
  4. Our approach is best characterized by its flexibility and creativity. The entire investment process is carried out on the premise of the fair partnership with the sellers. Depending on the situation, we are open to the acquisition of all of the target’s shares, selected assets or controlling stakes.
  5. The anchor investor of TEP Capital is Thomas Gruppe together with its owner and CEO, Eckhardt Thomas. Thomas Gruppe is a leader of German building materials market (mainly precast concrete products) with approximately 2 billion zlotys revenues. Eckhardt manages Thomas Gruppe, including recently (i) executed 14 add-on corporate acquisitions and (ii) capital investments of more than 800 million zlotys.
  6. Tomasz Woźniak runs the investment operations of TEP Capital. Tomasz has many years of private equity investing experience, gained in funds in Warsaw and London.


Other Private Equity Houses

The final investment decision is made by 2 people involved in each stage of the project from its very beginning.

A transparent transaction process led by the decision makers.

The final investment decision is made by an external investment committee, often learning about the transaction at the final stage of due diligence.

Difficult to predict outcome of fuzzy decision-making process.

The fund's capital is on the investor's balance sheet - Thomas Gruppe.

Timely transaction closing without dependence on the external investors.

The fund's capital is "promised" by external investors.

The long capital call procedure depending on external investors ability to commit.

No predetermined fund duration or other strict investment strategy requirements.

TEP and the sellers freely decide on the strategy for a given investment.

Strict investment horizon criteria (usually up to 5 years) and committed to the external investors strategy at the beginning of the fund's life.

The outcome of a given investment depends on the restrictions imposed by investors (including time, financial leverage or further add-on investments).

  • Thomas Gruppe was founded over 80 years ago and currently operates in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Poland. The Group has a total of almost 90 production locations.
  • The Group is constantly growing, achieving revenues of around 2 billion zlotys in 2018.
  • Thomas Gruppe invested more than 800 million zlotys in its existing facilities between 2017 and 2019.
  • Only in the years between 2017 and 2019, the Group completed 14 add-on acquisitions, of which 5 in Poland (e.g. Ekobet Cementy sp.z o.o., KP1 Polska sp.z o.o. or PRAEFA Sp.z o.o.).
  • Poland is a strategic market for Thomas Gruppe. The Group wants to develop through acquisitions in its sector and further investments in already owned plants.
  • TEP Capital is the only investment vehicle for Thomas Gruppe and Eckhardt Thomas outside of the Group's main market.